PYESSV: Controlled Vocabularies¶
Processing controlled vocabularies from a diverse set of sources is problematic. To address this issue the ES-DOC team created a special purpose utility library called pyessv (Python Earth Science Standard Vocabularies).
The primary task of pyessv is to normalise supported vocabularies. Once normalised, the vocabularies are published to an archive and made accessible via a simple web-service API.
Data Model¶
The normalised data model is fairly simple and consists of 4 main concepts.
An entity responsible for mandating a set of controlled vocabularies, e.g. WCRP.
Groups a set of collections by a theme or project, e.g. CMIP6.
Group a set of terms by function or meaning, e.g. experiment.
An item with a vocabulary collection, e.g. piControl
Canonical Names¶
The pyessv library not only normalises the data model associated with a controlled vocabulary entity, but also normalises the canonical name associated with any vocabluary entity. A pyessv canonical name is without exception hypen spaced lower case.
The original names processed by the writer are still retained by pyessv (as the raw_name field). Furthermore names that may appear in a user interface are stored as a label field. Thus whilst the canonical name is normalised, both the raw name and label associated with a vocabulary entity is retained at the discretion of the vocabulary authority.
As stated above, ES-DOC vocabularies are derived from a diverse array of sources. For each source, e.g. ECMWF, a dedicated pyessv writer is allocated the task of mapping the source vocabularies to the pyessv data model, i.e. the task of normalising.
The writers are fairly simple python scripts that process a set of input files in various formats, e.g. .ini files. Each script converts the inputs to the pyessv data model, and subsequently output the results to the pyessv-archive.
The pyessv-archive holds all vocabularies outputted by the various writers described above. It is laid out in the following directory structure:
- archive-root/{authority}/{scope}/{collection}/{term}.json
Each term is a single JSON file written under the collection dicrectory, for example:
- archive-root/wcrp/cmip6/experiment/picontrol.json
Whilst all vocabularies are published to the pyessv archive, a web-service API also exists so as to provide programmatic access to the archive. The web-service is a pseudo RESTful service that exposes 3 main endpoints:
Current status of the web-service:
Vocabulary Retrieval
The vocabularies can be retrieved according to the following url pattern:
For example, to download all WCRP vocabulary collections within CMIP6 scope:
For example, to download ES-DOC errata severity vocabulary collection:
For example, to download Copernicus CORDEX-P knmi-racmo22e RCM model vocabulary term:
Identifier Validation
Some projects leveraging pyessv rely upon identifiers based upon patterns of vocabulary terms. Such identifiers require validation and pyessv thus exposes identifier validation endpoints:
User facing front-end applications, such as the ES-DOC explorer, typically need to load pyssv vocabularies into memory at application start-up. To streamline interacting with the pyessv web-service, a dedicated javascript library has been developed.
A developer can directly integrate the library into their web-page. Once integrated, the library exposes to the developer a set of helper functions. Each function loads a specific set of vocabularies.
GitHub Repositories¶